The House of Denmark - Harold Harefoot and Harthacnut

Harold Harefoot

Harold Harefoot

No biography was found for the first of the two succeeding sons of Cnut, Harold Harefoot. However, both Harold and Harthacnut’s reigns are discussed by the author of the preceding English Monarchs book Cnut the Great, Timothy Bolton, and the succeeding English Monarchs book Edward the Confessor, Frank Barlow.

The portraits of these kings come from the Genealogical roll of the kings of England, held by the British Library, Royal MS 14 B VI, dating from the early 14th Century. The full document is described by the Library as “Roll chronicle containing the genealogy of the Kings of England from the Heptarchy to Edward the form of a diagram of interconnected roundels with royal portraits in colours and gold, and an accompanying commentary”.



Harthacnut: The Last Danish King of England by Ian Howard, ISBN 9780752446745 was published by The History Press in 2008. Given that little is documented about Harthacnut this book necessarily spends time in generalities, of the place in England in international relations of the 11th Century, and on his parents, Cnut and Emma. Harthacnut’s place in this context is discussed.

The Missing Books on The Forgotten Kings