Click on the download icon to the right to start the download.

When you have this file, open it and then click the acceptance to install the data in your device's calendar.

Downloadable Calendar

Keen on dates in English and British history? Who isn't! Always forgetting the day in October when the Battle of Hastings took place? It's a problem. Not sure what month saw the birth of Henry VIII? Who does? This is your chance to add these dates to the calendar on your computer or mobile device. The dates range from the reign of Æthelstan to George IV, the same span as the English Monarchs books.

The English History calendar has the dates of birth and death of the English monarchs, plus a few other people; dates of important battles; and dates of a few other significant events. They are set to reoccur annually and will state the year of the event. For 14 October you will see: Battle of Hastings - 1066 (a pedant might set the time from 9am to 5pm, or thereabouts. A full workday calendar event for two armies. Neither went home...).

Ideally it would also have the release dates of the English Monarchs series books, but that is unknown other than for the last few and without all of them there is little point.

Two options are offered:

1. You can download the .ics file from below, or

2. Use the link to subscribe to the published calendar.

The latter is recommended to receive the occasional updates it will be given by the team of one who works on this website, but it is understood that you might not wish to have data received remotely.

Send your suggestions for other dates you think ought to be added. Use the email link at the foot of this page.


The Subscribe icon to the right will provide a feed to your device's calendar for any future addtion to the published calendar.